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Submission Guidelines


Please read carefully the following guidelines as to the submission of articles to The YLJ.

The YLJ welcomes submissions that analyse and engage with contemporary legal issues in significant detail. Submissions that address political and economic matters at the intersection of legal studies are also welcomed. Case comments are encouraged to the extent that they critically evaluate and comment upon the law (as opposed to simply restating it).

Our focus is primarily on submissions that comment on English law. However, articles that address topical matters in International, European or Comparative law and all their related fields are still encouraged. Publication is ultimately at the discretion of the Editors-in-Chief.

Submissions should typically be between 500-1,500 words in length. We will only publish articles that exceed this limit in exceptional circumstances where the quality of content and analysis justifies a lengthier piece.

As The YLJ was established with the view to include non-experts in these discussions, we stress that well-informed submissions from sixth-form and university students are both welcome and desired. Academics and legal/political/business professionals are also invited to submit articles which engage and interest our student readers. All work submitted should be the product of the author’s own doing.

Please ensure that all submissions have been proofread for spelling/grammatical/accuracy errors. The Editors-in-Chief reserve the right to correct any clear and obvious errors before publication, and to make any minor stylistic or presentational adjustments deemed appropriate. In the event that there are more substantial issues, we may send the submission back with comments for the author to make the requisite alterations.

We look forward to your submissions!

Very best wishes,

The YLJ Editorial Team


Please send all article requests to our editorial team at